Friday, 3 June 2016

Adventures in Kent: Whitstable

Every summer I promise myself that I'm going to spend a lot more time on the beach and yet every winter I kick myself for not doing so.

Those of you that live in England will know that it's a shameful waste to shy away from summery stuff as we only get about three months outside before it's piss cold again and we must retreat back to the safety of our central heating.

Anyway, at the end of April when the sun began to shine, I took my first opportunity to rush off to the beach.  I awoke at 6.30am to see the sun streaming happily through my windows and that was all it took.  I kicked the bf out of bed and we were off. It was so lovely that I vowed I'd make an effort to go to the beach at least once a fortnight throughout the sunny days in Spring and Summer.

I decided I'd go to the beach early on Saturday mornings to run.  This got me wondering if there are beaches any closer to Maidstone.  I found a website that confirmed there are in fact 4 beaches less than 40 minutes away.

The rest is history.  I have spent every Saturday or Sunday since that weekend exploring a new piece of the Kent coast.  Growing up in South Africa, these beaches are not exactly what I'd call 'stunning' nor are they always sunny, but they've all been fascinating in their own special way.

This one is the little town of Whitstable.

Every town has an Elm Street ... erm, I mean a Wetherspoons! The absolute best for a coastal breakfast.  Cheap and cheerful.  This is the Peter Cushing.

Whistable has such a quaint little high street.  They have some seriously cute things to look at.

We figured this must be an ashtray? Took us a while to figure it out. The locals must have thought us quite strange.

How cool is this window display?

Have you ever even seen tomatoes this shape? And look at the colour of those aubergines!

The what now? 'I'm just going to pop into Jojo Maman Bebe.  BRB!' :P

We thought this should be our motto at home.  Of course the point is to actually buy it but we took a photo instead.

More cool window displays.

Interesting high street.

Whitstable castle (which is actually a coffee shop).  We only had a coffee but apparently they've started doing afternoon teas.
Menu and pricing here

The botanical gardens surrounding the castle.

... and how could I forget? Some actual pictures of the beach!

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