I have been having the most frustrating (and odd!) weight loss fluctuations these past two weeks.
I have weighed around the same for the past 2 weeks. This week I have finished slightly under my calorie allowance every day. I have also exercised every day, except for yesterday when I took a break. My weight has fluctuated upwards over the past 7 days. I haven't done anything different from one day to the next.
I am going to throw my scales through the bathroom window soon!
Now, I know it is impossible for me to be gaining 1kg over night. I am eating 1200 calories a day, plus burning 550 calories a day with Tae Bo (on exercsie days I eat 1200+550 calories).
Yesterday, I took a break from the exercise. I also allowed myself to go around 400 calories over - just because I felt like it! Guess what? I actually lost 'scale' weight for the first time in 3 days.
I guess that as long as I am losing centimeters, I shouldn't really care - however it would be nice to see the numbers going down as well. Trust me when I say that it's really not cool when you've woken up at 6am to exercise, turned down treats all day, stuck to your calorie allowance religiously and gone to bed hungry, only to wake up the next morning and be told that you have put on weight!
Anyway Rome wasn't built overnight. I have to just keep at it and trust that the formula works. I won't lie - it is very demotivating, but what is the alternative?
It took me 6 months to put this weight on. I expect it to take the same amount of time for it to come off. I have tried all the pills, potions and faddy diets. Calorie counting and exercise are a tried and tested method that always works. I have lost 15kg doing this before, so I know that it just takes patience.
I am just going to have to put on my big girl panties and deal with it! Onward men!
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. - Aristotle
By the way - a friend of mine posted an interesting article a couple of days ago. Check it out.